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Hire Touring DJs

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Hire Party DJs


SIFA Events Pty Ltd ACN 169 659 330 (we, our, us or SIFA Events) is the owner of the Website located at (Website).  By using the Website, you (you or User) agree to comply with these terms (Terms of Use).

We may change these Terms of Use at our discretion and without notice.  By continuing to use this Website you accept, and agree to abide by, those amended Terms of Use.


The purpose of this Website is to promote, advertise and otherwise provide you with information about our various goods and services which may include our events, tours, artists, DJs, training academy and the goods and services of related businesses or affiliates. You may also be provided with opportunities to book artists to perform at events, purchase tickets to our own events and to otherwise communicate with us via the Website.


The Website has been created to provide general information to Users.  We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, reliability or timeliness of the Website, and we are not obliged to update the Website or correct any inaccuracies, which may become known to us.

In particular, you should be aware that any details set out on the Website (for example event dates, available DJs, specifics of our DJ booking services, student academy course fees) are all subject to change, without notice to you and that these changes may not always be updated on our Website.


You must not access or use the Website:

  1. In a way that violates these Terms of Use
  2. For unlawful activities or purposes
  3. In a way that is fraudulent, inaccurate, false, misleading or deceptive
  4. To defame, harass, vilify or otherwise harm another User or person
  5. In a way that violates any applicable law (including, without limitation, applicable privacy laws); or
  6. In a way that infringes the rights of any other person, including without limitation any third party rights in relation to Intellectual Property (defined below) owned by that third party.


Unless otherwise indicated, we own the copyright, trade marks and other Intellectual Property rights contained in the Website, in the structure of the Website as well as the look and feel of the Website.  All components of the Website including text, graphics, photographs, font, logos, software, source code, videos, domain names, service marks, trade marks, information, designs and data (Content) have been specifically created by and/or for us or our affiliates and as such are our exclusive property.   The trade mark SIFA and all other trade marks appearing on this Website are owned or licensed to us. 

We believe in protecting our Intellectual Property rights contained in the Website, the materials displayed throughout and reserve our rights to take necessary action against the misuse of the Content on the Website. 

While you may browse or print the Content for non-commercial, personal or internal business use, you must obtain our prior written permission if you would like to use, copy or reproduce any part of this Website or the Content for any other purpose. 

Intellectual Property” means all intellectual property including without limitation trade marks (registered or unregistered), copyrights, designs, patents, slogans, text, graphics, photographs, font, logos, videos, domain names and service marks (and includes future rights).


This Website contains links to third party websites over which we have no control.  Those links are provided for your convenience only, and we are not responsible for their content, use or effect.  We make no representations or warranties as to, and accept no responsibility for, the security of those sites or the accuracy of information on those sites, nor do we endorse any information, opinions, goods or services referred to on them.


Your use of, and reliance on, this Website (including all Content) is entirely at your own risk, and we exclude our liability to you (including because of our negligence) for all types of loss resulting from your use of or reliance on this Website (including all Content), however incurred, including (without limitation) for any lost profit, lost opportunity, lost revenue, lost data, losses resulting from security failure or computer viruses, or any indirect or consequential loss, resulting from your use of this Website or the Content. 


You indemnify us against any loss or damage we suffer (including any claim made by a third party) arising from or in connection with your breach of these Terms of Use or our Privacy Policy, or your violation of any law or the rights of any third party.


Your use of the Website is governed by our Privacy Policy, which is located at Privacy Policy page.


These Terms of Use are to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia.  If any term of these Terms of Use conflicts with the provision of any legislation of the Commonwealth of Australia or any State, that legislation will prevail.  This Website may be accessed from outside Australia.  We make no representation that the Content available through this Website complies with the laws (including intellectual property laws) of any country outside Australia.  If you access this Website from outside Australia, you do so at your own risk and you are responsible for ensuring compliance with all laws in the place where you are located.



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